iChat is a free program that comes with OS 10.5 (Leopard). A useful feature of iChat permits two users to share screens with each other while they have an audio chat. This feature can be incredibly helpful in allowing us to quickly diagnose problems as well as to visually show you how to correct problems.
STEP 1: You need a free iChat account
In order to initiate or receive a screen sharing session using iChat, you first need to have a account. You may already have an account that can be used with iChat, or you can quickly obtain one for free.
If you have already used iChat before, then you have already set up your own iChat ID. In that case, SKIP TO STEP 3.
If you have an AOL account (“myaccountname@aol.com”), an Apple MobileMe account (“myaccountname@me.com”) or a dotmac account (“myaccountname@mac.com”), then you can already set up iChat without obtaining a new account. In that case, skip to STEP 2.
STEP 1a: Get a free account (Apple iChat ID)
a) If you wish to have Apple automatically help you obtain an iChat ID, the first time you run iChat you’ll be guided through the process of creating and entering your account name:
b) If the above window doesn’t automatically display, you can skip to STEP 2 and obtain an AOL / AIM iChat ID. Press Continue. Otherwise, Press CONTINUE.
c) On the next page, you can either enter your account name of press the “Get an iChat Account” button:
d) If you press the “Get an iChat Account” button, you will be brought to a page where you can create a free dotmac (.mac) account:
e) Enter the iChat ID you created in the previous step:
f) Since you probably just created a dotmac (.mac) iChat ID, make sure to select that menu item:
STEP 1b: Get a free account (AOL / AIM iChat ID)
AOL has a free service called “AIM” (AOL Instant Messenger). If you did not follow the steps in 1a above, we suggest you follow the steps below to obtain a free AIM account name:
a) Go to “www.aim.com”
b) At the top of the screen, you should see a link, “Get a Screen Name”
c) Click on that and you’ll get to some more screens that will sign you up for your free AIM account.
d) You do not need to download any special software from AIM / AOL. The only thing you need is the free AIM account name, which you will use in the next step to set up iChat.
STEP 2: Set up your new iChat ID:
a) Find and start the iChat application. It is located in your Applications folder, and has an icon that looks like this:
b) Select the Preferences command from under the iChat menu:
C) In iChat’s accounts preference pane, click on the “+” icon in the lower left:
D) Enter the AIM / AOL account name you just obtained, or if you have a .Mac or MobileMe account name, you may also enter that here:
E) Press DONE.
STEP 3: Enter Write Brothers’ iChat ID:
A) Display the buddy list. This can be found under iChat’s WINDOWS menu (or press CMD+2):
B) At the bottom of the AIM Buddy List, press the “+” and select “Add Buddy”.
C) Now enter the following information, exactly as you see it below.
1) Under Account name, enter WriteBrothers.
2) Select “Mac.com” in the popup menu on the right.
3) Enter “Write Brothers Support” under the First Name.
D) If our support is currently on-line, you will see the following in your Buddies list:
E) Select the Write Brothers Support buddy in the list. Now you may initiate a connection by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the window. The four icons correspond to: Text Chat, Voice Chat, Video Chat, and Screen Sharing.
HOWEVER — BEFORE YOU CAN SHARE YOUR SCREEN, you need to quit iChat and follow step #4 below.
STEP 4: Set Up Screen Sharing Option:
A) Before you can share your screen, the Screen Sharing preference must be enabled. Bring up your OS X Preferences window (located under the Apple menu):
B) The preference we’re interested in is located in the SHARING pane of the OS X Preferences window. Click on that icon:
C) CLICK on the Screen Sharing checkbox:
IMPORTANT NOTE: No one will be able to connect to your computer unless 1) you are running iChat and 2) you initiate or accept a request to share your screen.
D) Close the Preferences.
E) Re-Launch iChat.
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