The Novel format is a fairly simple layout. It is set to double-space lines, and new paragraphs are automatically indented. The header is set to a standard novel format. Screenwriter gives you the ability to add Chapter and Book numbers, which are automatically renumbered if you delete or insert them.
In Screenwriter:
Chapter = Scene Information element
Book = Act Information element
Novel Text = Action element
How do I load the novel template?
1. Click Format > Load Script Formats > Novel.
2. Click Yes to load User Lists.
3. Click Yes to load margins.
How do I change the header on the top of every page to put in my title and name?
- Click File > Header/Footer Setup.
- Make the changes.
- Click OK.
How do I start a new chapter/book?
- On a blank line, type the word 'CHAPTER #' or 'BOOK#'. This will automatically insert a chapter/book # that is centered and bolded.
- Hit RETURN and type your chapter.
- To start a new chapter/book, hit SHIFT+RETURN to put in an Act/Scene break and repeat step 1 & 2. The reason for the forced page break, is so that Screenwriter can automatically start the first page of the new chapter a third of the way down the page.
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