You now have the option to save your documents in one of two formats: Screenwriter 6.0's current file format (.mmsw) or the new XML file format (.mmx extension).
TO CONVERT TO .MMX FILE FORMAT: You can convert existing documents to .mmx by changing the "When opening a .mmsw document" preference (see below), then opening a .mmsw and saving. Alternatively, you can simply open the .mmsw script and EXPORT to .mmx format (also see below).
There are a few reasons why you might wish to choose the .mmx file format over the older .mmsw:
- .mmx supports some new features, such as remembering Ignored words in the new spell checker on a document-by-document basis.
- .mmx supports some features when importing from Final Draft, and will do a better job of exporting to Final Draft.
- Some third-party apps support importing / exporting the .mmx file format. ScriptE, a powerful script supervision package for production, directly imports .mmx files. See our web site for a list of apps presently supporting .mmx.
NOTE: The .mmx file format is not presently compatible with the Windows version of Movie Magic Screenwriter. Also, the password-protected document feature is not presently available for the .mmx file format. Finally, you cannot presently send a .mmx file to a writing partner running iPartner.
DEFAULT DOCUMENT FORMAT PREFERENCE: You can now choose which file format you wish Screenwriter to use by default. In the Preferences Dialog, the FILES tab has the following options:
Default for New Screenwriter Documents:
Default when opening a .mmsw document:
NOTE: Backup (.BK) and Autosave (.tmb timed backup) files are automatically created in the same file format as whatever the user is presently editing (i.e. .mmsw or .mmx)
You can also export to the new .mmx format. When you EXPORT, your document is scanned for hidden elements, and you are presented with an alert telling you how many hidden notes and outline elements there are, and presented with the option to include or exclude those hidden elements:
Generally, you should always "INCLUDE Hidden Elements", so you don't lose any of your notes or outline elements.
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