It is possible to combine two OMITTED, or one OMITTED and one small page, so that it is combined onto one page with a hyphenated page number.
Example: There is a page 10 (short page), 11 (non-printing ommitted page) and 12 (short page), and you want to combine them onto one page, which Screenwriter will renumber p. 10-12.
- Place the cursor on the non-printing page (11) and press BACKSPACE (DELETE on Mac).
When asked to delete the page break, say Yes. - Place the cursor on the first possible spot on the last page of the series (12) and do the same thing, again answering Yes when asked about deleting the page break.
- Place the cursor at the bottom of what is now the all-inclusive page (10). Press CTRL+ENTER (CONTROL+RETURN on Mac), and when asked what kind of page break you want to insert, go with the default Locked Page Break option. A non-printing page appears.
- Press CTRL+ENTER (CONTROL+RETURN on Mac) again, and insert another page break. You should now have a page, including all the desired text that used to be on
Page 12, followed by two non-printing blank pages, followed by Page 13.
Page 10's number should now read 10-12, as desired.
The instructions above will also work if you need a hyphenated A-page (ex., p.61-61A), simply add a Fixed A-Page instead of a Forced Page Break.
Tag: Movie Magic Screenwriter
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