This error occurs when the permissions on the preferences folder are set incorrectly in Mac OS X.
To fix the permissions on the preferences folder it should be deleted so that the program can create a new one. After trashing the preferences folder, you will need to reset any options you changed in the program in the Screenwriter > Preferences window.
- Quit out of Screenwriter if it is running by switching to the program and clicking on Screenwriter > Quit Screenwriter.
- When you are back in the Finder, click on Go > Home. This will put you in your user folder.
NOTE: If you are using Mac OS 10.7 (Lion), hold down the Option key when clicking on the Go menu and choose Library, skip to step 4. - Open the Library folder.
- Open the Preferences folder.
- Drag the "Movie Magic Screenwriter 6" folder to the Trash.
Try running the program again.
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