In Screenwriter, you may create a note (Control+N), then use the EDIT > Paste into Current Element (OPTION+Command+V). When you copy the text -- don't include the end-of-paragraph mark. If what you are pasting is less than a paragraph, then you should not get the import dialog.
If you want to copy multiple paragraphs and insert them into your document as notes:
- Create a blank like of Action.
- Copy the text in the other application, then Edit > Paste in Screenwriter.
- The "How Should I Interpret This Text?" dialogue window will open.
- Choose "Import Text as Action Only", and press OK.
- For each paragraph imported:
- Move the cursor into the paragraph
- Change the Action element into a note by selecting it either from the drop-down menu in the tool bar, or by using the Format > Change Element Type > Note menu command.
Tag: Movie Magic Screenwriter 6
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