Some users notice that the Variations explored beneath each signpost (Type) in the "Dramatica for Screenwriters Plot Sequence Materials Report" are NOT the Variations that are beneath those items in the static model as seen through the Theme Browser (see images, below).
This is definitely NOT a bug.
Dramatica co-author Chris Huntley has this to say:
If you want to use the Plot Sequence Report to build thematic scenes, then DO NOT use the Theme Browser. They are two views with different perspectives. The Theme Browser shows you the storyform from a neutral, objective vantage point. The "twisting" created by the story's problem (inequity) is visible by looking at the Signpost order, but nowhere else in that view.
The Plot Sequence Report shows the twisted, subjective view of the storyform -- what it looks like from the inside -- and shows both the signposts and the theme Variations aligned with those throughline signposts IN THAT PARTICULAR STORYFORM. It is impossible to reconcile the two views, even though there are similarities between them.
Dramatica co-author Melanie Anne Phillips explains why in a detailed article here.
The Plot Sequence Report has been a favorite of many expert Dramatica users specifically because it DOES mix up the variations under the signposts -- in a way that magically seems to work! In fact, it's the one place where Timelock/Optionlock actually has an impact on the storyform (other than "Reach").
Rest assured the user that the report is correct, and that there are valuable insights to be gained from it.
OS Signpost 1 Title:
OS Signpost 1, Scene 1: Contemplation as it relates to Approach:
OS Signpost 1, Scene 2: Contemplation as it relates to Self Interest:
OS Signpost 1, Scene 3: Contemplation as it relates to Morality:
OS Signpost 1, Scene 4: Contemplation as it relates to Attitude:
MC Signpost 1 Title:
MC Signpost 1, Scene 1: Understanding as it relates to State of Being:
MC Signpost 1, Scene 2: Understanding as it relates to Situation:
MC Signpost 1, Scene 3: Understanding as it relates to Circumstances:
MC Signpost 1, Scene 4: Understanding as it relates to Sense of Self:
IC Signpost 1 Title:
IC Signpost 1, Scene 1: Conceiving an Idea as it relates to Work:
IC Signpost 1, Scene 2: Conceiving an Idea as it relates to Attraction:
IC Signpost 1, Scene 3: Conceiving an Idea as it relates to Repulsion:
IC Signpost 1, Scene 4: Conceiving an Idea as it relates to Attempt:
RS Signpost 1 Title:
RS Signpost 1, Scene 1: The Past as it relates to Truth:
RS Signpost 1, Scene 2: The Past as it relates to Evidence:
RS Signpost 1, Scene 3: The Past as it relates to Suspicion:
RS Signpost 1, Scene 4: The Past as it relates to Falsehood:
Tags: Plot Sequence Report, Dramatica Story Expert
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