If you've just installed Dramatica Story Expert 5.3 and found that the software immediately quits when you try to Save or Save As, there's a logical explanation and a simple solution.
How to Solve the Problem
First, the simple solution: quit the program, then throw away the /Applications/Dramatica Story Expert 5 folder. That's the folder the contains the Dramatica Story Expert.app application. You shouldn't be saving any of YOUR storyforms (.dr5) files into that folder, but check anyway (there may be example .dr5 storyforms, but they are ok to trash).
Now empty the trash and REINSTALL the software from the version 5.3 .dmg (disk image) installer. You probably won't even need to activate the software -- it'll just run.
Test the Save command by making any change to a storyform (or create a new test storyform, make one change, and save). The program should no longer immediately quit.
What's going on here?
Dramatica Story Expert (and Movie Magic Screenwriter) test to make sure the application hasn't been modified since we built it and published the installer. That protects you from any malicious programs the might try and insert themselves into our software.
Does this mean you were infected or attacked by malware or a computer virus?
Unlikely. If this happened the first time after installing Dramatica Story Expert 5.3, then the cause is PROBABLY that some pieces of the OLD program (5.0.5, 5.2) were not properly replaced during the install of 5.3. OR -- it might be if you have an anti-malware program (MalwareBytes, BitDefender, etc.) those programs might have blocked the proper install of our software.
Of greater concern would be if Dramatica Story Expert 5.3 was functioning properly for a while, and allowing you to do Save or Save As, and then suddenly began quitting the moment you did the Save command. That MIGHT indicate the installed application had suffered some damage.
In any case, the solution would be to throw the /Application/Dramatica Story Expert 5.3 folder away and re-install.
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