Dramatica Pro
Frequently asked questions about Dramatica Pro (All Versions)
- Demo Version of Dramatica Pro for Windows
- Windows Error -106 or 106 installing Dramatica Pro
- Dramatica Pro (Windows) crashes when selecting the Theme Browser
- Regarding the Plot Sequence Report (PSR)
- Cannot open Help file in Dramatica Pro 4 for Windows.
- Cannot view the Help file for Dramatica Pro for Macintosh
- The Structure Templates in Dramatica Pro (for Macintosh) appear grayed out.
- "Unable to remove...dramatic.prf; error 13 deleting old file" when closing Dramatica Pro 4 in Windows
- When I try to install Dramatica 4 on Windows, I get the hourglass and then nothing happens.
- Can I run Dramatica Pro (OS X) on Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard)?
- I cannot see the Help text in the Help View screen below my Story Telling. Is it possible to resize it?
- How come I only have two choices available for my Objective Story Domain? Shouldn't I have four?
- "Error opening application file Dramatica.ssi" when opening Dramatica Pro?
- Can I use my Postscript printer driver with Dramatica Pro 4?
- How do I install Dramatica Pro on Windows Vista?
- Why do I get a message stating that the Dramatica.ssi file when opening Dramatica Pro?
- Does Dramatica have a spellcheck feature?
- How do I uninstall Dramatica in Windows 95/98?
- How do I install Dramatica in Windows 95/98?
- How do you access the Term Swap feature?
- How do I open the Structure Templates for Novel, Screenplay, and Short Story?
- How do I activate Dramatica online?
- Why does the story engine run really slow on my computer?
- I activated the program and it says my software is now running, but I don't see it on screen.