Word Menu
Frequently asked questions about Word Menu (All Versions)
- Word Menu trial expired
- "Engine.dll missing" when trying to run Word Menu for Windows.
- Is Word Menu 2.4 compatible with Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6)?
- "Required user interface DLL missing" when trying to run Word Menu on Windows (64-bit).
- Can I run Word Menu on Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard)?
- Do I have to use Internet Explorer as my Browser?
- How do I change the font size for the display of words?
- What does the program do when it connects to the Internet?
- Why are searches of definitions always done as "Contains"?
- What if Word Menu is missing a word?
- Why doesn't Word Menu have every variation of a root word?
- What's the difference between categories and words?
- Why do some Categories have lists of words with no definitions?
- "Required software extensions are missing" when I try to open Word Menu in OS 10.5 (Leopard).
- Where is the Fractal Browser?
- How do I install Word Menu on Windows?
- I get a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) or the computer restarts by itself when I open Word Menu.
- I have the full version of Word Menu, and I cannot find the serial number.
- Word Menu has caused an invalid page fault when you open it.
- Error -1309 when installing Word Menu.
- Launching Word Menu does nothing.
- Opening Word Menu 2.0, you get an error "Initialzation error -7."
- Opening Word Menu 2.0, you get an error "A required file, MFC70.dll, was not found".